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HRSA and Hospital Grants Development

RJMA provides specialized grants development assistance with the following U.S. Health Resource and Services Administration (HRSA) applications:

Service Area Competition (SAC) –

The purpose of the SAC funding opportunity is to ensure continued access to comprehensive, culturally competent, quality primary health care services for communities and vulnerable populations served by the Health Center Program. RJMA details the SAC eligibility requirements, review criteria, and awarding factors for organizations seeking funding for operational support.

Change in Scope (CIS) –

RJMA assists with CIS requests that must be submitted online at least 60 days before a health facility plans to implement a change that would add a new service or service delivery site, terminate an existing service or service delivery site, or add a new target population.

US Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Expanded Services Opportunities –

RJMA identifies and prepares periodically released service expansion grants, some of which are targeted, such as for oral health expansion or substance abuse treatment.

Federal Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) Look-Alike –

Health Center Program look-alikes operate and provide services consistent with all statutory, regulatory, and policy Health Center Program requirements. They provide a comprehensive system of care that is responsive to each community’s identified health care needs. Organizations applying for look-alike designation must meet strict eligibility requirements at the time of application. RJMA’s associates will work with your health center to ensure compliance to all requirements before submission.

General Program Expansion –

RJMA identifies and secures grants for expansion of primary care services, equipment acquisition, professional development, and facilities expansion.

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