Given the keen competition for grants today, professionally prepared proposals and applications generally rise to the top in the review process. Each such proposal or application must be complete, properly formatted, and compelling in every detail. This process is far too complex to entrust to inexperienced grant writers.
Listed below are examples of recently funded grants secured by Robert J. Miller & Associates, Inc. for their full service clients.
CTE Center – $6,670,000
Development of a New Regional CTE Center (ND School District) – $3,400,000
Adaptive Outdoor Play Space for Special Needs Students (OH School District) – $16,000
Reimburse Meals served to Health Care Workers during the Pandemic (MS Hospital) – $122,246
Three-day Summer Camp (NY School District) – $10,000
Family Nurse Practitioner Position (IL School District)- $240,000
Mental Health Supports for Students (IL School District)- $74,990
Adolescent Health Program (IL School District) – $96,592
School-Based Health Center Implementation Grant (IL School District) – $150,000
Mental Health Training and Resource Expansion Grant (IL School District) – $242,292
School Health Center Implementation Funds to purchase Equipment and Supplies for a School Health Center (IL School District) – $108,541
Planning Grant (IL School District) – $48,693
Develop a Mental Health Training and Resource Program (IL School District) – $70,601
21st Century Community Learning Centers (GA School District)- $1,645,000
School-based Health Center (MI Charter School)- $60,000
Empire State After-School Program (NY School District)- $1,593,600
Focus on Success After-School Program (NY Charter School)- $115,000
21st Century Community Learning Centers (NE School District)-$462,000
Implement the Cherokee Model of Integrating Behavioral Health into Primary Care (NJ Hospital)- $225,000
Continue Implementation of the Cherokee Model of Integrating Behavioral Health into Primary Care (NJ Hospital)- $140,040
Learning Acceleration Support (TX Charter School)- $160,000
Charter School Planning Grant (TX Charter School) – $900,000
Technical Support/ Assistance (TX Charter School) – $80,000
21st Century Learning Centers (TX School District)- $960,584
Implementing COVID-19 Mitigation efforts (TX Charter School) – $92,452
Multiple Sclerosis Wellness Program (NJ Hospital)- $13,000
Multiple Sclerosis Wellness Program (NJ Hospital)- $15,000
Provide high quality substance abuse prevention programming for at risk students and families (ND Public School)- $10,000
Strengthen the Social-Emotional Learning and Behavioral Components of a Multi-Tiered System of Support (NY School District) – $35,000
Implement Professional Development Offerings from the University at Buffalo Institute on Trauma Informed Care (NY School District) – $35,000
Family Support Center (NY School District)- $23,000
Provide services for children with ADHD and their families (NY School District)- $159,683
Preparing Students with Learning Disabilities for Tomorrow (NY School District)- $82,954
Youth Mental Health First aid Program (NY School District)- $75,000
ILS Equipment (NY School District)- $17,920
Implement a Peer to Peer Substance Abuse Prevention Program (NY School District) – $46,500
Summer Program for Students in grades K-8 (FL Charter School)- $29,874
Community-Based Care Transitions Program (Coalition of MS providers)- $2,254,940
Farm to School Grant (LA Charter School)- $50,000
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance (IL School District)- $50,000
Hire an additional Farm to School support Staff Member, provide Staff with training in Scratch Cooking techniques, purchase Robot coupes and Immersion Blenders for School Kitchens, and purchase Grow Racks and Hydroponic Garden Systems to promote Nutrition Education in Science Classes (NY School District)- $98,200
Update Kitchen Equipment to help improve the School’s ability to serve more Local Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and prepare more Healthy Meals “from scratch” (PA School District)- $145,090
Convert two Traditional Full-Service Food Lines to Self-Service Food Lines (NY School District)- $140,899
Farm to School Action Planning Grant (LA Charter School)- $15,510
Farm to School Implementation Grant (NY School District) – $58,877
Farm to School Implementation Grant (ID School District) – $58,516
Farm to School Grant (NY School District) – $40,015
Farm to School Planning Grant (ND School District)- $49,571
Farm to School Planning Grant (Consortium of Maine Schools)- $48,415
Farm to School Planning Grant (MI School District)- $44,900
Farm to School Implementation Grant (MI School District)- $92,227
Tele-medicine Equipment to Serve Rural Communities (MS Hospital)- $228,260
Farm to School (NY School District)- $68,089
Farm to School Lunch Program (NY School District)- $88,468
Farm to School Grant (NY School District) – $97,754
Farm to School Grant (NY School District) – $49,595
Farm to School Grant (NY School District) – $34,500
Farm to School Grant (OH School District) – $45,910
Provide Innovative interpreter Services for Non-English Proficient Patients (Three NJ Hospitals) – $1,125,000
Medical Reserve Corp Demonstration Project (MS Hospital)- $96,000
Women’s Pavilion Construction (MS Hospital)- $761,000
Neonatal Intensive Care Center (MS Hospital)- $196,310
Nurse Practitioner Residency Program (MS Hospital)- $3,970,760
HIV Capacity Building (MS Hospital)- $149,818
Advanced Nursing Education-Nurse Practitioner Residency Interrogation Program (MS Hospital)- $1,200,000
Child and Adolescent Health Center Planning (MI School District)- $60,000
Child and Adolescent Health Center Implementation (MI School District)- $525,000
Child and Adolescent Health Center Continuation (MI District)- $875,000
Community Service (MI School District)- $75,000
Community Service Continuation (MI School District)- $56,250
Child Implementation Center (MI Nonprofit Healthcare Provider)- $975,000
Heart Healthy Community Project (NJ Hospital)- $10,000
Heart Healthy Community Project (NJ Hospital) – $10,000
Program to Increase Colon Cancer Screening Among a Low-income/uninsured Population (NJ hospital)- $20,000
Program to build social skills for adolescents with autism (NJ Hospital)- $22,000
Community-based balance screening program (NJ Hospital)- $21,2410
Heart Healthy Community Program (NJ Hospital) – $10,000
Abstinence Program (MS Hospital)- $62,616
Nurse Training Grant (MS Hospital)- $1,951,138
Breastfeeding Support Group (MS Hospital) – $20,000
NICU Virtual Visiting Cameras (MS Hospital) – $20,000
Providing iPads to Patients Hospitalized with COVID (MS Hospital) – $20,000
Implement a cardiovascular health awareness and education program for students in grades 4-5 and their families (MS Hospital)- $19,175
Nutrition and Fitness Education (MS Hospital)- $13,000
Building Healthy Communities (MI School District)- $50,547
Building Healthy Communities (MI School District)- $50,000
Building Healthy Communities (MI School District)- $10,000
Mental Health Awareness Training (NY School District)- $496,351
Mental Health Awareness Training Grant (NY School District) – $108,559 per year for 4 years
Project AWARE Grant (NY School District)- $97,850
Training in Mental Health Aid (NY Non-Profit Organization)- $232,228
Radiation/ Oncology (NJ Hospital)- $162,000
Playground Equipment (NY School District)- $50,000
Maine’s Unique Culture and History (ME School District)- $61,900
Promising Futures/ Great Maine Schools Project (ME School District)- $400,000
Senior Save Navigators Grant (NJ Hospital)- $466,000
Virtual Diabetes Prevention Program. (NJ Hospital)- $49,835
Provide Culturally Appropriate and Affirming Behavioral Health Services for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ Individuals (NJ Hospital) – $150,000
Diabetes Outreach (NJ Hospital)- $150,000
Disparities Prevention Project (NJ Hospital)- $50,000
Ryan White Part B (NJ Hospital)- $682,989
Ryan White Title I Grant (NJ Hospital)- $292,836
Ryan White Title II Grant (NJ Hospital)- $151,975
AIDS Early Intervention Program (NJ Hospital)- $310,000
Perinatal Addictions (NJ Hospital)- $74,600
Emergency Preparedness (NJ Hospital)- $225,000
HIV Screening (NJ Hospital)- $91,000
Ebola Readiness (NJ Hospital)- $26,000
HIV/AIDS Clinic (NJ Hospital)- $565,764
Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention (NJ Hospital)-$80,292
Community-based Falls Prevention Program (NJ Hospital)- $12,000
COVID-19 Outreach and Vaccination Education for LGBTQ+ population (NJ Hospital) – $107,800
Health Equity Response to COVID-19 Program (NJ Hospital) – $150,000
Increase COVID-19 Vaccination Rates among Underserved Populations (NJ Hospital) – $338,291
Increase COVID-19 Vaccination Rates among Undervaccinated Populations (NJ Hospital) – $574,503
Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention (NJ Hospital) – $50,000
Hospital Long Term Care Facility Collaboration for Long-Term Care Resilience project (NJ Hospital) – $160,000
Expand the laboratory testing capacity for COVID-19 and other infectious diseases (NJ Hospital) – $4,000,000
Expanding SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Hospitals/Clinical Laboratories (NJ Hospital) – $6,128,676
Expanding SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Hospitals/Clinical Laboratories (NJ Hospital) – $4,704,812
Implement a Pilot Virtual Diabetes Prevention Program (NJ Hospital) – $100,000
COVID-19 Program (NJ Hospital) – $210,001
Nonprofit Infrastructure Capital Investment Program (NY Non-Profit Organization)- $306,491
New Orleans Summer Learning Accelerator Fund (LA Charter School) – $22,500
Replicate Charter School (NYC Charter School)- $215,000
Smart Scholars Early High School Grant (NY School District)- $825,000
Statewide Universal Full-Day Prekindergarten Expansion Grant (NY School District)- $264,000
Statewide Universal Full-Day Prekindergarten Expansion Grant (NY School District)- $519,000
Statewide Universal Full-Day Prekindergarten Expansion Grant (NY School District)- $130,000
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District)- $73,566
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District)- $73,292
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District)- $52,164
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District)- $26,498
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District)- $61,950
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY Municipality)- $17,369
Food Service Equipment Grant (NY School District)- $20,000
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District)- $71,982
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District)- $55,540
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District)- $74,327
Charter School Expansion (NY Charter School)- $725,000
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance (NY School District)- $84,853
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance (NY School District)- $45,006
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance (NY Private School)- $14,003
My Brother’s Keeper Challenge Grant (NY School District)- $960,000 over 4 years
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance (NY School District)- $23,889
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance (NY School District)- $81,360
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance (NY School District)- $20,000
My Brother’s Keeper Challenge Grant (NY School District)- $601,256 over a 4 year period
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grant (NY School District)- $79,023
Stronger Connections Grant (NY School District)- $1,704,000
Stronger Connections Grant (NY School District)- $1,102,000
Stronger Connections Grant (NY School District)- $582,000
Local Government Records Management Grant (NY School District) – $41,772
Local Government Records Management Grant (NY School District) – $68,894
Local Government Records Management Grant (NY School District) – $56,500
Teachers of Tomorrow Grant(NY School District) – $420,000
Teachers of Tomorrow Grant (NY School District) – $272,000
McKinney-Vento Competitive Grant (NY School District) – $124,954
Food Service Equipment Grant (NY School District) – $60,000
Food Service Equipment Grant (NY School District) – $20,000
Local Records Management Grant (NY School District) – $74,706
Expanded Universal Prekindergarten Program – $840,000
21st Century Community Learning Centers (NY School District) – $692,926 per year for 5 years
21st Century Community Learning Centers (NY School District) – $403,204 per year for 5 years
21st Century Community Learning Centers (NY Charter School) – $314,836 per year for 5 years
Extended School Day/ School Violence Prevention Program – $104,583
Extended School Day/ School Violence Prevention Program – $350,000
My Brother’s Keeper Family and Community Engagement Program – $500,000
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District) – $74,950
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District) – $74,900
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District) – $58,035
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District) – $49,489
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District) – $29,810
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District) – $74,706
Food Service Equipment- $12,367
Math & Science Partnership- $250,000
Full Day Universal Pre-K Initiative- $740,022
Learning Technology- $150,000
Math and Science Partnership- $497,000
Priority Full Day Pre-K and Expanded Half Day- $132,479
Management Efficiency- $146,361
Strengthening Teacher and Leader Effectiveness- $274,144
New Food Service Equipment- $18,730
Expanded Prekindergarten for Three and Four-Year-Old in High Need School Districts- $223,200
Program Development to Prepare Students with Disabilities to Exit School with Work Readiness Skills- $350,005
Charter School Dissemination Grant- $500,000
Extended School Day/School Violence Prevention- $314,595
Prekindergarten for Three Year Old Students in High Need Districts- $583,859 per year
Food Service Equipment- $30,000
Expanded Prekindergarten for Three- and Four-Year-Old Students in High Need School Districts- $137,088 annually
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund- $24,161
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund- $70,641
Student Support and Academic Enrichment- $114,400
Student Support and Academic Enrichment- $331,324
Student Support and Academic Enrichment Program- $137,684
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund- $74,987
Food Service Equipment Grant – $20,000
Food Service Equipment Grant – $67,238
Food Service Equipment Grant – $18,844
Food Service Equipment Grant – $12,367
Advantage After School Program-$750,000
Expanded PreK for 3 and 4 Year Old Students from High-Need Districts (NY School District)- $512,926 Annually
Expanded PreK for 3 and 4 Year Old Students from High-Need Districts (NY School District)- $148,158 Annually
Food Service Equipment Grant (NY School District) – $18,309
Food Service Equipment Grant (NY School District) – $16,632
Food Service Equipment Grant (NY School District) – $14,929
Provide Free Mammography Services for Uninsured or Underinsured Women (NJ Hospital)- $10,000
Early Eagles Program (NY School District)- $15,000
Implement Primary Project (NY School District)- $32,283
COVID-19 Pandemic Response Fund to support basic needs of healthcare workers (NJ Hospital)- $10,000
21st Century Community Learning Centers (AZ Charter School)- $540,000
Innovative Approaches to Literacy Program (AZ School District) – $747,360
Early Literacy Activities (OH School District) – $15,000
Infrastructure Projects (NC Charter School) – $900,000
COVID-19 Response (NY School District) – $22,500
Eldergrow project (NJ Hospital) – $20,000
Support MS Wellness Program (NJ Hospital)- $15,000
MS Wellness Program (NJ Hospital) – $15,000
Multiple Sclerosis Center (NJ Hospital) – $10,000
MS Wellness Program (NJ Hospital) – $10,000
Capital Improvements to a Gymnasium (DE Charter School) – $55,000
A fund to provide Free Transportation for Cancer Patients to Medical Appointments and Treatments (NJ Hospital) – $50,000
Automated Temperature Monitoring Systems at Entrances (NJ Hospital) – $50,000
Launch of a new barbering training program for students at the high school (NY School District)- $10,000
Community Schools Planning (ID School District) – $10,000
IT Desk Staffing support (AZ School District) – $12,500
Improving Cybersecurity Measures (NY Municipality) – $29,800
Implementing the Centering Pregnancy Initiative (NJ Hospital) – $45,000
Providing Free Transportation to Cancer Patients (NJ Hospital) – $10,000
K-12 Strong Workforce Program (CA Charter School) – $211,130
California Strong Workforce Program Fund (CA Charter School) – $500,990
Restore the Entrance to a Historic High School Building (NY School District) – $500,000
Restore/ Upgrade a NY Park by Installing New ADA-Accessible Amenities (NY Municipality) – $248,915
Construct a New Public Access Path to link a Residential Area to the Erie Canalway Trail (NY Municipality) – $47,626
Hire a part-time Restorative Practices Coordinator to help foster Safe and Supportive School Environments (ND School District) – $17,439
Vaccination, Education, and Outreach around Monkeypox (NJ Hospital) – $25,000
Make Facade Improvements and Interior and Exterior Building Renovations at a Historic Theater (NY Municipality) – $108,525
Implement an Afterschool STEM Program at 17 schools (ID School District) – $45,000
Mitigating the Impact of Trauma in Schools (NY School District)- $77,000
Mitigating the Impact of Trauma in Schools (NY School District)- $69,500
Mitigating the Impact of Trauma in Schools (NY School District)- $69,063
Mitigating the Impact of Trauma in Schools (NY School District)- $25,849
Mitigating the Impact of Trauma in Schools (NY School District)- $25,000
Student Mental Health Support Grant (NY School District) – $2,338,608 over a five-year period
Implementation. (AR School District) $664,380
Salaries of Two Transitional Coaches (Licensed Mental/ Behavioral Health Counselors) (LA Charter School) – $653,240 over a 5 year period
MS Wellness (NJ Hospital) – $30,000
Sidewalk Network Funding (NY Municipality)- $177,083
Community Festival Support Funding (NY Municipality)- $10,620
GEARUP (NY School District)- $958,440 over a 5 ½ year period
Provide funds toward the school’s athletics program (LA Charter School) $20,000
Teacher professional development (KS School District)- $55,000
General operation support (NY Nonprofit) -$50,000
Organizational support and capacity building (NY Nonprofit)- unrestricted funding over 3 years
Purchase of a “Coach” Boat (Sail-Buffalo Sailing School) – $10,000
Urban Forestry (OH Municipality) – $40,000
Demolish an Unsafe Bridge (OH Municipality) – $50,000
Arts and Foreign Language Education (IL School District) – $20,000
Elementary-Level Reading Enrichments in Summer 2023 and Summer 2024 (ID School District)- $80,000
Deliver After School Enrichments during the Upcoming Academic Year (ID School District)- $40,500
Summertime Literacy and STEAM Enrichments for Underserved Students (ID School District) – $45,000
Greenhouse (PA School District)-$25,O00
Food Service Equipment (PA School District)- $39,267
Food Service Equipment (PA School District)- $21,810
21st Century Community Learning Centers (PA School District)- $1,657,690
Safe Schools Targeted Program (PA School District)- $34,300
Equity Grant for Chromebooks (PA Charter School)- $30,555
21st Century Community Learning Centers (IL School District)- $1,500,000
21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant (IL School District) – $545,930
21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant (IL School District) – $150,000
Robotics Program (AZ Charter School)- $15,000
STEM-based Programs (AZ School District)- $15,000
Three-day Geek Squad Summer Camp (OK Charter School)- $15,000 In-kind
Technical Assistance and Materials to Launch Program (NY School District)- $17,500
Technical Assistance and Materials to Launch Program (NY School District)- $17,500
School-Based Mental Health (ND School District)- $455,358
Full-Service Community Schools Grant (NY School District)- $2,500,000
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (WI School District) – $46,813
School Climate Transformation Grant (NY School District)- $835,477
Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Grant (NY School District)- $982,453
Safe Schools/ Healthy Students (MI School District)- $5,839,672
Teaching American History (NJ School District)- $493,968
Teaching American History (MI School District)- $499,689
Teaching American History (MI School District)- $499,546
Teaching American History- $489,699
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (NJ School District)- $98,866
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (MA School District)- $99,997
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (NJ School District)- $99,603
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools(MA School District)- $99,709
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (MI Consortium- 10 Districts)- $244,966
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (MI Consortium-5 districts)- $569,638
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (NY School District)- $98,745
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (CT School District)- $90,250
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (SC School District)- $209,222
Emergency Response and Crisis Management (MI School District)- $218,199
Emergency Response and Crisis Management (MI School District)- $201,036
Foreign Language Improvement Project (NY School District)- $267,785
Mentoring Program (NY School District)- $223,238
Mentoring Program (MI School District)- $201,450
Improving Literacy Through School Libraries (ME School District)- $232,062
School Climate Transformation Grant (NJ School District)- $2,000,531
School Climate Transformation Grant (ND School District)- $1,099,119
School Climate Transformation Grant (IL School District)- $1,384,861
School Climate Transformation Grant (LA Charter School)-$1,384,861
21st Century Community Learning Centers (FL Charter School)- $457,708
21st Century Community Learning Centers (FL Charter School)- $386,914
21st Century Community Learning Centers (FL Charter School)- $307,533
21st Century Community Learning Centers (FL Charter School)- $186,248
21st Century Community Learning Centers (FL Charter School)- $386,914
21st Century Community Learning Centers (FL Charter School)- $307,533
21st Century Community Learning Centers (FL Charter School)- $186,248
Expansion of 21st Century Community Learning Centers (FL Charter School)- $47,935
Picture Archiving System (MS Hospital)- $1,140,000
School Violence Protection Program (ND School District)- $343,291s
STOP School Violence Grant (NY Private School)- $862,177
STOP School Violence Grant (CA Charter School)- $791,211
STOP School Violence Grant (NY School District)- $475,220
STOP School Violence Grant (NY School District)- $125,774
Mentoring for Youth with Disabilities (NY School District)- $299,850
Mentoring for Safe Schools/Healthy Students (NY School District)- $299,255
STOP School Violence Grant (ID School District) – $364,384
STOP School Violence Grant (NY School District) – $347,250
STOP School Violence Grant (NY School District) – $914,293
STOP School Violence Grant (IL School District) – $279,646
STOP School Violence Grant (NY School District) – $709,959
STOP School Violence Grant(OH School District) – $954,850
School Violence Prevention Program (NY School District) – $468,750
School Violence Prevention Program (IL School District) – $307,381
School Violence Prevention Program (PA School District) – $254,351
School Violence Prevention Program (NY School District) – $148,000
School Violence Prevention Program(ND School District ) – $396,000
School Violence Prevention Program (ME Consortium of Schools) – $230,985
School Violence Prevention Program (IL School District) – $209,477
STOP School Violence Act of 2018 (OH School District) – $421,020
STOP School Violence Act of 2018 (NY School District) – $425,148
STOP School Violence Act of 2018 (CA Charter School) – $719,339
Security Equipment (NY Charter School)- $25,000
Secure Our Schools (MI School District)- $267,410
Secure Our Schools (MA School District)- $49,357
Secure Our Schools (MI District)- $188,512
Secure Our Schools (MI District)- $176,693
COPS Hiring Program (MI Police Department)- $250,000
COPS Hiring Program (MI Police Department)- $125,000
School Violence Prevention Program (ME Consortium)-$181,767
COPS Hiring Program (NY School District) – $75,000
STOP School Violence (NY School District) – $426,434
STOP School Violence (IL School District) – $278,802
STOP School Violence (NY School District) – $134,517
School Violence Prevention Program (NY School District) – $374,456
School Violence Prevention Program (NY School District) – $500,000
School Violence Prevention Program (AZ School District) – $150,000
School Violence Prevention Program (ME Consortium) – $171,815
School Violence Prevention Program (PA School District) – $111,428
School Violence Prevention Program (ME Consortium) – $266,963
School Violence Prevention Program Grant (IL School District)- $477,600
Emergency Department Equipment (MS Hospital)- $500,000
Books for K-12 Students (NY School District)- $114,382
Books for K-12 Students (MI School District)- $61,746
Elementary School Playground Equipment (MI School District)- $15,000
Capital Project (TX Charter School)- $75,000
Stae of the Art Furniture for Pathways to College Classroom (TX Charter School)- $50,00
Rehabilitation Services (NY Non-Profit Organization)- $52,224
Neonatal Intensive Care Center (Washington State hospital)- $50,000
After School Programs (ME School District)- $430,908
Enhancing Education Through Technology (ME School District)- $95,000
Computer equipment (NY Charter School)- $57,000
Primary Care Initiative (NYS Hospital)- $190,000
Childhood Asthma (NYS Hospital)- $204,449
Underage Drinking Program (NYS Hospital)- $80,000
Drug Free Communities (NYS Hospital)- $100,000
UDP Competing Continuation (NYS Hospital)- $100,000
Heal New York (NYS Hospital)- $1,200,000
Prostate Cancer Program (NYS Hospital)- $100,000
Sickle Cell Anemia (NYS Hospital)- $300,000
Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NJ Hospital)- $74,998
Internet-streaming Cameras in the NICU for families (MS Hospital) – $50,000
Work-based Learning Opportunities for Students with Disabilities (NY School District) – $55,354
Emergency Telemedicine (NJ Hospital)- $85,165
Foundation for a Fit Future (MS Hospital)- $151,968
Foundation for a Fit Future (MS Hospital)- $100,394
Multi-County Telemedicine (MS Hospital)- $250,00
Inter-generational Cardiovascular Health Improvement Project (MS Hospital)- $49,454
Conduct a Planning Process Exploring the Use of Broadband Fiber-to-the-premises to Provide Telemedicine Services in North Mississippi (MS Hospital)- $60,000
Workforce Training (NYS Hospital)- $404,133
Health Workforce Retraining (NYS Hospital)- $1,550,000
Healthworks (MS Hospital)- $300,000
Implementing School Health Counsels (MS Hospital)- $750,000
Students with Disabilities (NJ School District)- $130,000
Charter Implementation Grant (NJ Charter School)- $174,765
Hispanic Breast Care (NYS Hospital)- $75,000
Training for staff in gender-affirming care (NJ Hospital)- $145,812
AIDS Planning Grant (MS Hospital)- $50,000
Chromebooks (NY School District) – $15,088
School Climate Improvement Initiative (NY Charter School)- $14,593
Purchase new Chromebooks(NY Charter) -$10,000
Purchase of classroom furnishings (NYC Charter School)- $10,000
New Student Lockers (NY Charter School) – $10,175
Purchase of New Desks for Computer Lab (NY Charter School)- $10,000
New Classroom Furnishings (NYC Charter School) – $10,000
New Science Lab Furnishings (NYC Charter School) – $13,700
Computer Science/STEM Teacher Training and Equipment (PA Charter School)- $35,000
Computer Science/STEM Teacher Training and Equipment (PA School District)- $35,000
For Safety and Security Equipment (PA School District)- $30,000
COVID-19 School Health and Safety Grant (PA Charter School)- $90,000
Construction of a new school building (NYC Charter School)- $50,000
Charter School Growth Fund (NY Charter School)- $400,000
Seed Money (NC Charter School)- $555,000
Unrestricted grant to help address the needs impacted by Covid-19 (NC Charter School)- $60,000
Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant for Elementary and High School Literacy Education (OH School District)- $1,575,000
Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant for Elementary and High School Literacy Education (OH School District)- $575,000
Teacher Professional Development Program (AZ School District) – $30,000
After-school book club for students who are reading below grade level (LA Charter School)- $10,000
Career Pathways CTE initiative (LA Charter School)- $10,000
Purchase Literacy Intervention Materials (LA Charter School) – $13,000
After-school Math Tutoring Program (LA Charter School) – $10,000
IB Film program (LA Charter School) – $10,000
Provide Rosetta Stone Language Learning for Every Student and Staff Member (LA Charter School) – $13,000
Purchase Adaptive Equipment (IL Nonprofit Organization) – $10,500
Aquaponics Program (CA School District) – $10,000
Capital Improvement (Sail-Buffalo Sailing School) – $31,400
English Learner Summer Camp (LA Charter School) – $20,000
Support teacher recruitment efforts and pilot a Teacher Pathways fellowship program (LA Charter School) – $90,000
College and Career Access Pathways (CA Charter School)- $100,000
Middle/ Early College Program (CA Charter School)- $250,000
California Community Schools Partnership Program (CA Charter School) – $1,425,000
Learning Communities for Student Success (CA Charter School) – $110,100
Implement the Computer Science Essential course (NY School District)- $14,000
Implement an Engineering pathway (NY Private School)- $16,000
Implementing the Project Lead The Way Cybersecurity Course (NY School District) – $10,000
21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant (NV Municipality) – $550,000
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) to Provide Equipment for a Biology Lab (LA Charter School) – $10,000
Transforming Library Spaces Grant (IL School District) – $18,413
Low-Income Older Adults in Erie County, NY (WNY Community Organization) – $825,600
Emergency Connectivity Fund (NY Charter School) – $26,875
Emergency Connectivity Fund (NY Charter School) – $18,000
COVID-19 Telehealth Program (MS Hospital)- $883,702
Emergency Connectivity Fund (NYC Charter School) – $84,499
Emergency Connectivity Fund (NY School District) – $309,600
Emergency Connectivity Fund (NY School District) – $265,151
Emergency Connectivity Fund (NY School District) – $681,450
Emergency Connectivity Fund (NY School District) – $122,415
COVID-19 Telehealth Grant Program (MS Hospital) – $1,000,000
MS Wellness (NJ Hospital) – $10,000
Providing a Social Worker for Parkinson’s Disease Program (NJ Hospital) – $22,500
Implement a Program where Students can earn Manufacturing Industry Recognized Credentials (OH School District) – $102,271
Culinary Garden for an Assisted Living Facility (NJ Hospital) – $20,000
Kitchen Equipment Assistance (IL School District)- $11,211
Freedom Schools Grant to Implement a Summertime and After School Program (IL School District) – $350,000
Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Grant to provide After School Funding to Deliver Out-of-School time Opportunities for Students (IL School District) – $421,340
Mental Health Services Program (IL School District) – $217,048
Community Partnership Grant (IL School District) – $635,000
Advanced Placement Course Implementation (IL School District) – $49,463
New York School Nutrition Grant (NY School District)- $10,000
New York School Nutrition Grant (NY School District)- $15,000
New York School Nutrition Grant (NY School District)- $28,000
New York School Nutrition Grant (NY Charter School)- $18,000
No Kid Hungry Grant (NY School District) – $32,508
New Broadcast and Film Center (LA Charter School) – $20,000
Farm to School Grant (NY School District) – $89,870 over a two-year period
Consolidated Funding Application (NY School District)- $150,000
Transportation Alternatives Program (NY Municipality) – $1,207,000
Address Mental Health Challenges (IL School District) – $149,932
Implement a Bullying Prevention Program and hire a School Safety Program Coordinator (IL School District) – $74,929
21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant (DE Charter School) – $1,200,000
Tourism Attractions and Festivals Grant (IL School District) – $152,996
Food Service Funds to purchase a new over for one of their elementary schools (ND Public School)- $10,000
Stronger Connections Grant (ND School District)- $1,108,789 over a 3 year period
21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant (ND School District) – $690,000
State Literacy Grant (ND School District)- $3,500,000
Help with COVID-19 Education Challenges (ND School District)- $705,881
Covid Relief and Response to Learning Loss Over a Three-Year Period (ND School District) – $6,999,324
School Safety (OH School District) – $338,055
School Safety (OH School District) – $261,944
School Safety (OH School District) – $200,000
Volkswagen Emission Reduction Program to support the purchase of more Environmentally Friendly School Buses (ND School District) – $52,775
Urban Farms and Community Gardens Grant (NY School District)- $26,103
Urban Farms & Community Gardens Grant (NY School District)- $10,132
Urban Farms & Community Gardens Grant (NY School District)- $25,000
Farm to School Grant (NY School District) – $89,870 over a two-year period
Can’d Aid Grant (NY School District)- $11,210
Securing Our Future Funds (ID School District)- $340,000
Implement an Anti-Vaping Program (ID School District)- $19,100
Strengthen district-wide multi-tiered systems of support and build partnerships with community-based mental health agencies (MA School District)- $150,000
Cancer Transportation Fund (NJ Hospital)- $10,000
Provide scholarship/tuition assistance. (PA Public School) $28,000
Purchase and install vape detectors at one of their high schools (ID School District)- $90,000
Kentucky Fried Wishes Grant (OH School District)- $10,000
Purchase new security cameras for increased safety and security at their high-need secondary schools (ID School District)- $36,519
General operating support. (NY Nonprofit)- $20,000
Complete a tree-planting project on three residential streets (NY Municipality)- $10,632
Nursing scholarship program (NJ Hospital)- $10,000
Community Benefits Program (NY Nonprofit)- $30,000
Greenhouse (PA School District)-$25,O00
Hispanic Breast Care (NYS Hospital)- $75,000
Internet-streaming Cameras in the NICU for families (MS Hospital) – $50,000
Work-based Learning Opportunities for Students with Disabilities (NY School District) – $55,354
Emergency Telemedicine (NJ Hospital)- $85,165
Foundation for a Fit Future (MS Hospital)- $151,968
Foundation for a Fit Future (MS Hospital)- $100,394
Multi-County Telemedicine (MS Hospital)- $250,00
Inter-generational Cardiovascular Health Improvement Project (MS Hospital)- $49,454
Conduct a Planning Process Exploring the Use of Broadband Fiber-to-the-premises to Provide Telemedicine Services in North Mississippi (MS Hospital)- $60,000
21st Century Community Learning Centers (AZ Charter School)- $540,000
Innovative Approaches to Literacy Program (AZ School District) – $747,360
Picture Archiving System (MS Hospital)- $1,140,000
Maine’s Unique Culture and History (ME School District)- $61,900
Teacher Professional Development Program (AZ School District) – $30,000
Three-day Geek Squad Summer Camp (OK Charter School)- $15,000 In-kind
Healthworks (MS Hospital)- $300,000
Implementing School Health Counsels (MS Hospital)- $750,000
English Learner Summer Camp (LA Charter School) – $20,000
Support teacher recruitment efforts and pilot a Teacher Pathways fellowship program (LA Charter School) – $90,000
Support MS Wellness Program (NJ Hospital)- $15,000
MS Wellness Program (NJ Hospital) – $15,000
Multiple Sclerosis Center (NJ Hospital) – $10,000
MS Wellness Program (NJ Hospital) – $10,000
School Violence Protection Program (ND School District)- $343,291
STOP School Violence Grant (NY Private School)- $862,177
STOP School Violence Grant (CA Charter School)- $791,211
STOP School Violence Grant (NY School District)- $475,220
STOP School Violence Grant (NY School District)- $125,774
Mentoring for Youth with Disabilities (NY School District)- $299,850
Mentoring for Safe Schools/Healthy Students (NY School District)- $299,255
STOP School Violence Grant (ID School District) – $364,384
STOP School Violence Grant (NY School District) – $347,250
STOP School Violence Grant (NY School District) – $914,293
STOP School Violence Grant (IL School District) – $279,646
STOP School Violence Grant (NY School District) – $709,959
STOP School Violence Grant(OH School District) – $954,850
School Violence Prevention Program (NY School District) – $468,750
School Violence Prevention Program (IL School District) – $307,381
School Violence Prevention Program (PA School District) – $254,351
School Violence Prevention Program (NY School District) – $148,000
School Violence Prevention Program(ND School District ) – $396,000
School Violence Prevention Program (ME Consortium of Schools) – $230,985
School Violence Prevention Program (IL School District) – $209,477
STOP School Violence Act of 2018 (OH School District) – $421,020
STOP School Violence Act of 2018 (NY School District) – $425,148
STOP School Violence Act of 2018 (CA Charter School) – $719,339
Security Equipment (NY Charter School)- $25,000
Secure Our Schools (MI School District)- $267,410
Secure Our Schools (MA School District)- $49,357
Secure Our Schools (MI District)- $188,512
Secure Our Schools (MI District)- $176,693
COPS Hiring Program (MI Police Department)- $250,000
COPS Hiring Program (MI Police Department)- $125,000
School Violence Prevention Program (ME Consortium)-$181,767
COPS Hiring Program (NY School District) – $75,000
STOP School Violence (NY School District) – $426,434
STOP School Violence (IL School District) – $278,802
STOP School Violence (NY School District) – $134,517
School Violence Prevention Program (NY School District) – $374,456
School Violence Prevention Program (NY School District) – $500,000
School Violence Prevention Program (AZ School District) – $150,000
School Violence Prevention Program (ME Consortium) – $171,815
School Violence Prevention Program (PA School District) – $111,428
School Violence Prevention Program (ME Consortium) – $266,963
School Violence Prevention Program Grant (IL School District)- $477,600
College and Career Access Pathways (CA Charter School)- $100,000
Middle/ Early College Program (CA Charter School)- $250,000
California Community Schools Partnership Program (CA Charter School) – $1,425,000
Learning Communities for Student Success (CA Charter School) – $110,100
School-based Health Center (MI Charter School)- $60,000
Adaptive Outdoor Play Space for Special Needs Students (OH School District) – $16,000
Vaccination, Education, and Outreach around Monkeypox (NJ Hospital) – $25,000
Implementing the Centering Pregnancy Initiative (NJ Hospital) – $45,000
Community-Based Care Transitions Program (Coalition of MS providers)- $2,254,940
Charter School Growth Fund (NY Charter School)- $400,000
Seed Money (NC Charter School)- $555,000
Unrestricted grant to help address the needs impacted by Covid-19 (NC Charter School)- $60,000
MS Wellness (NJ Hospital) – $30,000
Implement Primary Project (NY School District)- $32,283
Early Eagles Program (NY School District)- $15,000
COVID-19 Pandemic Response Fund to support basic needs of healthcare workers (NJ Hospital)- $10,000
Reimburse Meals served to Health Care Workers during the Pandemic (MS Hospital) – $122,246
Capital Improvements to a Gymnasium (DE Charter School) – $55,000
Focus on Success After-School Program (NY Charter School)- $115,000
Demolish an Unsafe Bridge (OH Municipality) – $50,000
Urban Forestry (OH Municipality) – $40,000
Can’d Aid Grant (NY School District)- $11,210
Cancer Transportation Fund (NJ Hospital)- $10,000
21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant (DE Charter School) – $1,200,000
Nonprofit Infrastructure Capital Investment Program (NY Non-Profit Organization)- $306,491
Farm to School Grant (LA Charter School)- $50,000
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance (IL School District)- $50,000
Hire an additional Farm to School support Staff Member, provide Staff with training in Scratch Cooking techniques, purchase Robot coupes and Immersion Blenders for School Kitchens, and purchase Grow Racks and Hydroponic Garden Systems to promote Nutrition Education in Science Classes (NY School District)- $98,200
Update Kitchen Equipment to help improve the School’s ability to serve more Local Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and prepare more Healthy Meals “from scratch” (PA School District)- $145,090
Convert two Traditional Full-Service Food Lines to Self-Service Food Lines (NY School District)- $140,899
Farm to School Action Planning Grant (LA Charter School)- $15,510
Farm to School Implementation Grant (NY School District) – $58,877
Farm to School Implementation Grant (ID School District) – $58,516
Farm to School Grant (NY School District) – $40,015
Farm to School Planning Grant (ND School District)- $49,571
Farm to School Planning Grant (Consortium of Maine Schools)- $48,415
Farm to School Planning Grant (MI School District)- $44,900
Farm to School Implementation Grant (MI School District)- $92,227
Tele-medicine Equipment to Serve Rural Communities (MS Hospital)- $228,260
Farm to School (NY School District)- $68,089
Farm to School Lunch Program (NY School District)- $88,468
Farm to School Grant (NY School District) – $97,754
Farm to School Grant (NY School District) – $49,595
Farm to School Grant (NY School District) – $34,500
Farm to School Grant (OH School District) – $45,910
School-Based Mental Health (ND School District)- $455,358
Full-Service Community Schools Grant (NY School District)- $2,500,000
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (WI School District) – $46,813
School Climate Transformation Grant (NY School District)- $835,477
Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Grant (NY School District)- $982,453
Safe Schools/ Healthy Students (MI School District)- $5,839,672
Teaching American History (NJ School District)- $493,968
Teaching American History (MI School District)- $499,689
Teaching American History (MI School District)- $499,546
Teaching American History- $489,699
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (NJ School District)- $98,866
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (MA School District)- $99,997
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (NJ School District)- $99,603
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools(MA School District)- $99,709
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (MI Consortium- 10 Districts)- $244,966
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (MI Consortium-5 districts)- $569,638
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (NY School District)- $98,745
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (CT School District)- $90,250
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (SC School District)- $209,222
Emergency Response and Crisis Management (MI School District)- $218,199
Emergency Response and Crisis Management (MI School District)- $201,036
Foreign Language Improvement Project (NY School District)- $267,785
Mentoring Program (NY School District)- $223,238
Mentoring Program (MI School District)- $201,450
Improving Literacy Through School Libraries (ME School District)- $232,062
School Climate Transformation Grant (NJ School District)- $2,000,531
School Climate Transformation Grant (ND School District)- $1,099,119
School Climate Transformation Grant (IL School District)- $1,384,861
School Climate Transformation Grant (LA Charter School)-$1,384,861
Provide Innovative interpreter Services for Non-English Proficient Patients (Three NJ Hospitals) – $1,125,000
Medical Reserve Corp Demonstration Project (MS Hospital)- $96,000
Women’s Pavilion Construction (MS Hospital)- $761,000
Neonatal Intensive Care Center (MS Hospital)- $196,310
Nurse Practitioner Residency Program (MS Hospital)- $3,970,760
HIV Capacity Building (MS Hospital)- $149,818
Advanced Nursing Education-Nurse Practitioner Residency Interrogation Program (MS Hospital)- $1,200,000
Provide scholarship/tuition assistance. (PA Public School) $28,000
No Grants Data Available
Radiation/ Oncology (NJ Hospital)- $162,000
Books for K-12 Students (NY School District)- $114,382
Books for K-12 Students (MI School District)- $61,746
Emergency Connectivity Fund (NY Charter School) – $26,875
Emergency Connectivity Fund (NY Charter School) – $18,000
COVID-19 Telehealth Program (MS Hospital)- $883,702
Emergency Connectivity Fund (NYC Charter School) – $84,499
Emergency Connectivity Fund (NY School District) – $309,600
Emergency Connectivity Fund (NY School District) – $265,151
Emergency Connectivity Fund (NY School District) – $681,450
Emergency Connectivity Fund (NY School District) – $122,415
COVID-19 Telehealth Grant Program (MS Hospital) – $1,000,000
21st Century Community Learning Centers (FL Charter School)- $457,708
21st Century Community Learning Centers (FL Charter School)- $386,914
21st Century Community Learning Centers (FL Charter School)- $307,533
21st Century Community Learning Centers (FL Charter School)- $186,248
21st Century Community Learning Centers (FL Charter School)- $386,914
21st Century Community Learning Centers (FL Charter School)- $307,533
21st Century Community Learning Centers (FL Charter School)- $186,248
Expansion of 21st Century Community Learning Centers (FL Charter School)- $47,935
Chromebooks (NY School District) – $15,088
School Climate Improvement Initiative (NY Charter School)- $14,593
Promising Futures/ Great Maine Schools Project (ME School District)- $400,000
Capital Improvement (Sail-Buffalo Sailing School) – $31,400
Neonatal Intensive Care Center (Washington State hospital)- $50,000
Capital Project (TX Charter School)- $75,000
Stae of the Art Furniture for Pathways to College Classroom (TX Charter School)- $50,00
Purchase new Chromebooks.(NY Charter) -$10,000
Purchase of classroom furnishings (NYC Charter School)- $10,000
New Student Lockers (NY Charter School) – $10,175
Purchase of New Desks for Computer Lab (NY Charter School)- $10,000
New Classroom Furnishings (NYC Charter School) – $10,000
New Science Lab Furnishings (NYC Charter School) – $13,700
Elementary-Level Reading Enrichments in Summer 2023 and Summer 2024 (ID School District)- $80,000
Deliver After School Enrichments during the Upcoming Academic Year (ID School District)- $40,500
Summertime Literacy and STEAM Enrichments for Underserved Students (ID School District) – $45,000
Implement an Afterschool STEM Program at 17 schools (ID School District) – $45,000
Arts and Foreign Language Education (IL School District) – $20,000
Tourism Attractions and Festivals Grant (IL School District) – $152,996
Address Mental Health Challenges (IL School District) – $149,932
Implement a Bullying Prevention Program and hire a School Safety Program Coordinator (IL School District) – $74,929
21st Century Community Learning Centers (IL School District)- $1,500,000
21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant (IL School District) – $545,930
21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant (IL School District) – $150,000
Family Nurse Practitioner Position (IL School District)- $240,000
Mental Health Supports for Students (IL School District)- $74,990
Adolescent Health Program (IL School District) – $96,592
School-Based Health Center Implementation Grant (IL School District) – $150,000
Mental Health Training and Resource Expansion Grant (IL School District) – $242,292
School Health Center Implementation Funds to purchase Equipment and Supplies for a School Health Center (IL School District) – $108,541
Planning Grant (IL School District) – $48,693
Develop a Mental Health Training and Resource Program (IL School District) – $70,601
Kitchen Equipment Assistance (IL School District)- $11,211
Freedom Schools Grant to Implement a Summertime and After School Program (IL School District) – $350,000
Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Grant to provide After School Funding to Deliver Out-of-School time Opportunities for Students (IL School District) – $421,340
Mental Health Services Program (IL School District) – $217,048
Community Partnership Grant (IL School District) – $635,000
Advanced Placement Course Implementation (IL School District) – $49,463
Implement an Anti-Vaping Program (ID School District)- $19,100
Securing Our Future Funds (ID School District)- $340,000
Purchase and install vape detectors at one of their high schools (ID School District)- $90,000
Summer Program for Students in grades K-8 (FL Charter School)- $29,874
Elementary School Playground Equipment (MI School District)- $15,000
MS Wellness (NJ Hospital) – $10,000
Playground Equipment (NY School District)- $50,000
Kentucky Fried Wishes Grant (OH School District)- $10,000
Purchase new security cameras for increased safety and security at their high-need secondary schools (ID School District)- $36,519
Rehabilitation Services (NY Non-Profit Organization)- $52,224
Construction of a new school building (NYC Charter School)- $50,000
General operating support. (NY Nonprofit)- $20,000
Enhancing Education Through Technology (ME School District)- $95,000
After School Programs (ME School District)- $430,908
Early Literacy Activities (OH School District) – $15,000
Purchase Adaptive Equipment (IL Nonprofit Organization) – $10,500
Aquaponics Program (CA School District) – $10,000
Building Healthy Communities (MI School District)- $50,547
Building Healthy Communities (MI School District)- $50,000
Building Healthy Communities (MI School District)- $10,000
Abstinence Program (MS Hospital)- $62,616
Nurse Training Grant (MS Hospital)- $1,951,138
Breastfeeding Support Group (MS Hospital) – $20,000
Strengthen district-wide multi-tiered systems of support and build partnerships with community-based mental health agencies (MA School District)- $150,000
Multiple Sclerosis Wellness Program (NJ Hospital)- $13,000
Multiple Sclerosis Wellness Program (NJ Hospital)- $15,000
Child and Adolescent Health Center Planning (MI School District)- $60,000
Child and Adolescent Health Center Implementation (MI School District)- $525,000
Child and Adolescent Health Center Continuation (MI District)- $875,000
Community Service (MI School District)- $75,000
Community Service Continuation (MI School District)- $56,250
Child Implementation Center (MI Nonprofit Healthcare Provider)- $975,000
Sidewalk Network Funding (NY Municipality)- $177,083
Community Festival Support Funding (NY Municipality)- $10,620
21st Century Community Learning Centers (NE School District)-$462,000
21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant (NV Municipality) – $550,000
Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NJ Hospital)- $74,998
Computer equipment (NY Charter School)- $57,000
Students with Disabilities (NJ School District)- $130,000
Charter Implementation Grant (NJ Charter School)- $174,765
Make Facade Improvements and Interior and Exterior Building Renovations at a Historic Theater (NY Municipality) – $108,525
New Orleans Summer Learning Accelerator Fund (LA Charter School) – $22,500
Replicate Charter School (NYC Charter School)- $215,000
Empire State After-School Program (NY School District)- $1,593,600
Workforce Training (NYS Hospital)- $404,133
Health Workforce Retraining (NYS Hospital)- $1,550,000
Construct a New Public Access Path to link a Residential Area to the Erie Canalway Trail (NY Municipality) – $47,626
Urban Farms and Community Gardens Grant (NY School District)- $26,103
Urban Farms & Community Gardens Grant (NY School District)- $10,132
Urban Farms & Community Gardens Grant (NY School District)- $25,000
Farm to School Grant (NY School District) – $89,870 over a two-year period
Three-day Summer Camp (NY School District) – $10,000
Improving Cybersecurity Measures (NY Municipality) – $29,800
Consolidated Funding Application (NY School District)- $150,000
Transportation Alternatives Program (NY Municipality) – $1,207,000
Restore the Entrance to a Historic High School Building (NY School District) – $500,000
Restore/ Upgrade a NY Park by Installing New ADA-Accessible Amenities (NY Municipality) – $248,915
Low-Income Older Adults in Erie County, NY (WNY Community Organization) – $825,600
Implement the Cherokee Model of Integrating Behavioral Health into Primary Care (NJ Hospital)- $225,000
Continue Implementation of the Cherokee Model of Integrating Behavioral Health into Primary Care (NJ Hospital)- $140,040
Mitigating the Impact of Trauma in Schools (NY School District)- $77,000
Mitigating the Impact of Trauma in Schools (NY School District)- $69,500
Mitigating the Impact of Trauma in Schools (NY School District)- $69,063
Mitigating the Impact of Trauma in Schools (NY School District)- $25,849
Mitigating the Impact of Trauma in Schools (NY School District)- $25,000
Student Mental Health Support Grant (NY School District) – $2,338,608 over a five-year period
CTE Center – $6,670,000
Development of a New Regional CTE Center (ND School District) – $3,400,000
New York School Nutrition Grant (NY School District)- $10,000
New York School Nutrition Grant (NY School District)- $15,000
New York School Nutrition Grant (NY School District)- $28,000
New York School Nutrition Grant (NY Charter School)- $18,000
No Kid Hungry Grant (NY School District) – $32,508
Primary Care Initiative (NYS Hospital)- $190,000
Childhood Asthma (NYS Hospital)- $204,449
Underage Drinking Program (NYS Hospital)- $80,000
Drug Free Communities (NYS Hospital)- $100,000
UDP Competing Continuation (NYS Hospital)- $100,000
Heal New York (NYS Hospital)- $1,200,000
Prostate Cancer Program (NYS Hospital)- $100,000
Sickle Cell Anemia (NYS Hospital)- $300,000
Infrastructure Projects (NC Charter School) – $900,000
Food Service Funds to purchase a new over for one of their elementary schools (ND Public School)- $10,000
Stronger Connections Grant (ND School District)- $1,108,789 over a 3 year period
21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant (ND School District) – $690,000
State Literacy Grant (ND School District)- $3,500,000
Help with COVID-19 Education Challenges (ND School District)- $705,881
Covid Relief and Response to Learning Loss Over a Three-Year Period (ND School District) – $6,999,324
Volkswagen Emission Reduction Program to support the purchase of more Environmentally Friendly School Buses (ND School District) – $52,775
GEARUP (NY School District)- $958,440 over a 5 ½ year period
Complete a tree-planting project on three residential streets (NY Municipality)- $10,632
Provide funds toward the school’s athletics program (LA Charter School) $20,000
Senior Save Navigators Grant (NJ Hospital)- $466,000
Virtual Diabetes Prevention Program. (NJ Hospital)- $49,835
Provide Culturally Appropriate and Affirming Behavioral Health Services for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ Individuals (NJ Hospital) – $150,000
Diabetes Outreach (NJ Hospital)- $150,000
Disparities Prevention Project (NJ Hospital)- $50,000
Ryan White Part B (NJ Hospital)- $682,989
Ryan White Title I Grant (NJ Hospital)- $292,836
Ryan White Title II Grant (NJ Hospital)- $151,975
AIDS Early Intervention Program (NJ Hospital)- $310,000
Perinatal Addictions (NJ Hospital)- $74,600
Emergency Preparedness (NJ Hospital)- $225,000
HIV Screening (NJ Hospital)- $91,000
Ebola Readiness (NJ Hospital)- $26,000
HIV/AIDS Clinic (NJ Hospital)- $565,764
Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention (NJ Hospital)-$80,292
Community-based Falls Prevention Program (NJ Hospital)- $12,000
COVID-19 Outreach and Vaccination Education for LGBTQ+ population (NJ Hospital) – $107,800
Health Equity Response to COVID-19 Program (NJ Hospital) – $150,000
Increase COVID-19 Vaccination Rates among Underserved Populations (NJ Hospital) – $338,291
Increase COVID-19 Vaccination Rates among Under Vaccinated Populations (NJ Hospital) – $574,503
Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention (NJ Hospital) – $50,000
Hospital Long Term Care Facility Collaboration for Long-Term Care Resilience project (NJ Hospital) – $160,000
Expand the laboratory testing capacity for COVID-19 and other infectious diseases (NJ Hospital) – $4,000,000
Expanding SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Hospitals/Clinical Laboratories (NJ Hospital) – $6,128,676
Expanding SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Hospitals/Clinical Laboratories (NJ Hospital) – $4,704,812
Implement a Pilot Virtual Diabetes Prevention Program (NJ Hospital) – $100,000
COVID-19 Program (NJ Hospital) – $210,001
Smart Scholars Early High School Grant (NY School District)- $825,000
Statewide Universal Full-Day Prekindergarten Expansion Grant (NY School District)- $264,000
Statewide Universal Full-Day Prekindergarten Expansion Grant (NY School District)- $519,000
Statewide Universal Full-Day Prekindergarten Expansion Grant (NY School District)- $130,000
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District)- $73,566
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District)- $73,292
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District)- $52,164
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District)- $26,498
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District)- $61,950
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY Municipality)- $17,369
Food Service Equipment Grant (NY School District)- $20,000
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District)- $71,982
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District)- $55,540
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District)- $74,327
Charter School Expansion (NY Charter School)- $725,000
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance (NY School District)- $84,853
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance (NY School District)- $45,006
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance (NY Private School)- $14,003
My Brother’s Keeper Challenge Grant (NY School District)- $960,000 over 4 years
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance (NY School District)- $23,889
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance (NY School District)- $81,360
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance (NY School District)- $20,000
My Brother’s Keeper Challenge Grant (NY School District)- $601,256 over a 4 year period
National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grant (NY School District)- $79,023
Stronger Connections Grant (NY School District)- $1,704,000
Stronger Connections Grant (NY School District)- $1,102,000
Stronger Connections Grant (NY School District)- $582,000
Local Government Records Management Grant (NY School District) – $41,772
Local Government Records Management Grant (NY School District) – $68,894
Local Government Records Management Grant (NY School District) – $56,500
Teachers of Tomorrow Grant(NY School District) – $420,000
Teachers of Tomorrow Grant (NY School District) – $272,000
McKinney-Vento Competitive Grant (NY School District) – $124,954
Food Service Equipment Grant (NY School District) – $60,000
Food Service Equipment Grant (NY School District) – $20,000
Local Records Management Grant (NY School District) – $74,706
Expanded Universal Prekindergarten Program – $840,000
21st Century Community Learning Centers (NY School District) – $692,926 per year for 5 years
21st Century Community Learning Centers (NY School District) – $403,204 per year for 5 years
21st Century Community Learning Centers (NY Charter School) – $314,836 per year for 5 years
Extended School Day/ School Violence Prevention Program – $104,583
Extended School Day/ School Violence Prevention Program – $350,000
My Brother’s Keeper Family and Community Engagement Program – $500,000
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District) – $74,950
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District) – $74,900
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District) – $58,035
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District) – $49,489
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District) – $29,810
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (NY School District) – $74,706
Food Service Equipment- $12,367
Math & Science Partnership- $250,000
Full Day Universal Pre-K Initiative- $740,022
Learning Technology- $150,000
Math and Science Partnership- $497,000
Priority Full Day Pre-K and Expanded Half Day- $132,479
Management Efficiency- $146,361
Strengthening Teacher and Leader Effectiveness- $274,144
New Food Service Equipment- $18,730
Expanded Prekindergarten for Three and Four-Year-Old in High Need School Districts- $223,200
Program Development to Prepare Students with Disabilities to Exit School with Work Readiness Skills- $350,005
Charter School Dissemination Grant- $500,000
Extended School Day/School Violence Prevention- $314,595
Prekindergarten for Three Year Old Students in High Need Districts- $583,859 per year
Food Service Equipment- $30,000
Expanded Prekindergarten for Three- and Four-Year-Old Students in High Need School Districts- $137,088 annually
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund- $24,161
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund- $70,641
Student Support and Academic Enrichment- $114,400
Student Support and Academic Enrichment- $331,324
Student Support and Academic Enrichment Program- $137,684
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund- $74,987
Food Service Equipment Grant – $20,000
Food Service Equipment Grant – $67,238
Food Service Equipment Grant – $18,844
Food Service Equipment Grant – $12,367
Advantage After School Program-$750,000
Expanded PreK for 3 and 4 Year Old Students from High-Need Districts (NY School District)- $512,926 Annually
Expanded PreK for 3 and 4 Year Old Students from High-Need Districts (NY School District)- $148,158 Annually
Food Service Equipment Grant (NY School District) – $18,309
Food Service Equipment Grant (NY School District) – $16,632
Food Service Equipment Grant (NY School District) – $14,929
Robotics Program (AZ Charter School)- $15,000
STEM-based Programs (AZ School District)- $15,000
Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant for Elementary and High School Literacy Education (OH School District)- $1,575,000
Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant for Elementary and High School Literacy Education (OH School District)- $575,000
Implement a Program where Students can earn Manufacturing Industry Recognized Credentials (OH School District) – $102,271
Hire a part-time Restorative Practices Coordinator to help foster Safe and Supportive School Environments (ND School District) – $17,439
School Safety (OH School District) – $338,055
School Safety (OH School District) – $261,944
School Safety (OH School District) – $200,000
Teacher professional development (KS School District)- $55,000
General operation support (NY Nonprofit) -$50,000
Computer Science/STEM Teacher Training and Equipment (PA Charter School)- $35,000
Computer Science/STEM Teacher Training and Equipment (PA School District)- $35,000
For Safety and Security Equipment (PA School District)- $30,000
COVID-19 School Health and Safety Grant (PA Charter School)- $90,000
Providing Free Transportation to Cancer Patients (NJ Hospital) – $10,000
Providing a Social Worker for Parkinson’s Disease Program (NJ Hospital) – $22,500
Food Service Equipment (PA School District)- $39,267
Food Service Equipment (PA School District)- $21,810
21st Century Community Learning Centers (PA School District)- $1,657,690
Safe Schools Targeted Program (PA School District)- $34,300
Equity Grant for Chromebooks (PA Charter School)- $30,555
Implement the Computer Science Essential course (NY School District)- $14,000
Implement an Engineering pathway (NY Private School)- $16,000
Implementing the Project Lead The Way Cybersecurity Course (NY School District) – $10,000
After-school book club for students who are reading below grade level (LA Charter School)- $10,000
Career Pathways CTE initiative (LA Charter School)- $10,000
Purchase Literacy Intervention Materials (LA Charter School) – $13,000
After-school Math Tutoring Program (LA Charter School) – $10,000
IB Film program (LA Charter School) – $10,000
Provide Rosetta Stone Language Learning for Every Student and Staff Member (LA Charter School) – $13,000
Provide high quality substance abuse prevention programming for at risk students and families (ND Public School)- $10,000
Strengthen the Social-Emotional Learning and Behavioral Components of a Multi-Tiered System of Support (NY School District) – $35,000
Implement Professional Development Offerings from the University at Buffalo Institute on Trauma Informed Care (NY School District) – $35,000
Family Support Center (NY School District)- $23,000
Provide services for children with ADHD and their families (NY School District)- $159,683
Preparing Students with Learning Disabilities for Tomorrow (NY School District)- $82,954
Youth Mental Health First aid Program (NY School District)- $75,000
ILS Equipment (NY School District)- $17,920
Implement a Peer to Peer Substance Abuse Prevention Program (NY School District) – $46,500
No Grants Data Available
Purchase of a “Coach” Boat (Sail-Buffalo Sailing School) – $10,000
Emergency Department Equipment (MS Hospital)- $500,000
Training for staff in gender-affirming care (NJ Hospital)- $145,812
AIDS Planning Grant (MS Hospital)- $50,000
Organizational support and capacity building (NY Nonprofit)- unrestricted funding over 3 years
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) to Provide Equipment for a Biology Lab (LA Charter School) – $10,000
Transforming Library Spaces Grant (IL School District) – $18,413
Culinary Garden for an Assisted Living Facility (NJ Hospital) – $20,000
New Broadcast and Film Center (LA Charter School) – $20,000
Implementation. (AR School District) $664,380
Salaries of Two Transitional Coaches (Licensed Mental/ Behavioral Health Counselors) (LA Charter School) – $653,240 over a 5 year period
Mental Health Awareness Training (NY School District)- $496,351
Mental Health Awareness Training Grant (NY School District) – $108,559 per year for 4 years
Project AWARE Grant (NY School District)- $97,850
Training in Mental Health Aid (NY Non-Profit Organization)- $232,228
Learning Acceleration Support (TX Charter School)- $160,000
Charter School Planning Grant (TX Charter School) – $900,000
Technical Support/ Assistance (TX Charter School) – $80,000
21st Century Learning Centers (TX School District)- $960,584
Implementing COVID-19 Mitigation efforts (TX Charter School) – $92,452
Heart Healthy Community Project (NJ Hospital)- $10,000
Heart Healthy Community Project (NJ Hospital) – $10,000
Program to Increase Colon Cancer Screening Among a Low-income/uninsured Population (NJ hospital)- $20,000
Program to build social skills for adolescents with autism (NJ Hospital)- $22,000
Community-based balance screening program (NJ Hospital)- $21,2410
Heart Healthy Community Program (NJ Hospital) – $10,000
NICU Virtual Visiting Cameras (MS Hospital) – $20,000
Providing iPads to Patients Hospitalized with COVID (MS Hospital) – $20,000
Implement a cardiovascular health awareness and education program for students in grades 4-5 and their families (MS Hospital)- $19,175
Nutrition and Fitness Education (MS Hospital)- $13,000
COVID-19 Response (NY School District) – $22,500
Launch of a new barbering training program for students at the high school (NY School District)- $10,000
Community Schools Planning (ID School District) – $10,000
IT Desk Staffing support (AZ School District) – $12,500
No Grants Data Available
Eldergrow project (NJ Hospital) – $20,000
Provide Free Mammography Services for Uninsured or Underinsured Women (NJ Hospital)- $10,000
A fund to provide Free Transportation for Cancer Patients to Medical Appointments and Treatments (NJ Hospital) – $50,000
Automated Temperature Monitoring Systems at Entrances (NJ Hospital) – $50,000
Community Benefits Program (NY Nonprofit)- $30,000
Nursing scholarship program (NJ Hospital)- $10,000
No Grants Data Available
Technical Assistance and Materials to Launch Program (NY School District)- $17,500
Technical Assistance and Materials to Launch Program (NY School District)- $17,500
No Grants Data Available
We have had a great experience with Robert J. Miller & Associates, helping us to achieve the first phase of our Town park with a successful grant application! Easy to work with, execution driven and excellent communication has made for a successful partnership! We are looking forward to our continued work with them!
Deposit CSD is so excited to have received the expanded full-day pre-kindergarten grant for the 2024-2025 school year! This news is a win for both our students and their families. Full-day pre-k will allow our students to have the opportunity they deserve to learn and thrive. We can’t thank RJMA enough for our partnership.
Words alone cannot thank you enough! Our assigned grant specialist has worked hard for us and I am truly so appreciative. This opportunity is what I often referred to as a “Game Changer” for our community.
We want to express our appreciation for the positive working relationship we have enjoyed. The grant specialist’s contributions have been invaluable to our organization.
In working with RJMA, we appreciate working with the dedicated grant specialist assigned to us. This gives us the opportunity to develop a relationship where we don’t have to educate the writer on the specifics of our municipality over and over; He has a strong understanding of our organization and community which allows us to focus on developing a dynamic application.
The Village of Brockport has been pleased with the grant writing services of Robert J. Miller and Associates with whom we have contracted for over 2.5 years. In particular, we have benefitted from the skills of the RJMA assigned grant specialist. He is quick to respond to our inquiries about grants, notifies us of available grants regularly, and works closely with us in the preparation of grant applications. His excellence as a grant writer is evidenced in the numerous grants we have received.
Our recent partnership with RJMA has been invaluable to our district and community. In only a few months, we were able to garner more than $250,000 in grants! Their grant writers are skilled, hard-working, and a joy to work with. I couldn’t be more pleased.
We couldn’t be more happy with RJMA. They have been so accommodating and given us a lot of individual attention. They have secured many grants for us and I would definitely recommend them to write grants for other schools. They make it so easy for us!
From the start of our relationship with RJMA, I found the President and CEO, as well as the organization to be extremely professional, knowledgeable and open minded. Our assigned grant specialist is talented, hard working and consistent in his pursuit to find us grants and grant funding. It has been a pleasure working with him, and the organization on the whole. I would recommend RJMA to anyone in need of a trust-worthy organization to seek out grant opportunities.
Working with RJMA has positively impacted our capacity towards fund development. They operate with efficiency and an intentionality that has led to multiple grant success.
RJMA has been a fantastic partner with West Clermont. We have had multiple successful awards that will make a huge impact on our students and staff. I especially appreciate their willingness to walk us through the entire grant writing process.
The Kids Equipment Network (TKEN) has worked with Robert J. Miller & Associates, Inc. staff for two years and continues to have a very rewarding experience. Our assigned grant specialist was always professional, personable, responsive, and thorough. They developed and launched an individualized grant proposal submission plan to meet TKEN’s operational needs. TKEN will continue to collaborate with Robert J. Miller & Associates, Inc. to help identify granting organizations that help us achieve our mission.
The staff at RJMA has made it a point to listen carefully to our needs and goals and has tried very hard to meet those needs and goals. They maintain excellent communication and have a wealth of knowledge about available opportunities and how to be successful at seizing those opportunities. The first grant they helped craft for us successfully garnered more than $700,000 in federal funds. I could not be happier with the great team at RJMA.
Robert J. Miller and Associates continue to seek out grants that are tailored to our rural district’s vision, mission, and goals. Their proven success in writing and attaining awards has provided our teachers and students resources and opportunities for innovation and professional growth that otherwise would not have been available. Their proactive stance and expertise are invaluable and, definitely, a worthy investment.
I appreciate the work and dedication of RJMA to the granting writing success for our school. The weekly check-in and persistence of the company makes grant writing more attainable for us. Let me add, we have been able to achieve greater success in the grants awarded to applications made. It’s been a win for our agency.
After being a client with RJMA for one year, our school has received more money in grants and funding than in the past five years. The staff is courteous, competent, and works relentlessly to find, apply, and secure funding from various sources. When questions came up that needed attention, Robert Miller flew into New York to meet with our Board of Trustees to answer all their questions and continue the successful relationship we have forged during the past year. My representative has done an outstanding job of alerting me to new funding opportunities we never knew existed. Her follow up is impeccable and she knows what they look for when selecting schools to receive funding. Her weekly emails containing a running record of grants we filed for is really appreciated at our monthly board meetings.
This week the Poughkeepsie City School District (PCSD) received notification that it is the recipient of an additional $1.1 million in new grant funding, increasing the grant funding received to approximately $2.1 million since January 2021. As part of the District’s strategic plan to acquire more grant funding, Robert J. Miller & Associates, Inc., an outside grant writing firm was secured to work with district leadership on grant applications to support district-wide reform efforts and to deepen the district’s impact on student learning. The latest round of awards will enable the district to strengthen its safety and security posture and increase instructional technology used among staff and students.
As a first-time applicant for a 21st Century Community Learning Center grant, the process was much more in-depth and formidable than any of our previous grant-writing experiences. The support provided by RJMA in helping our school pull together the final pieces and complete our application was invaluable. Thank you, RJMA!
CentraState Healthcare has been working with Robert J Miller & Associates for over 15 years, and in my current position, I have been working with RJMA for over ten years. The numerous grants we have received as a result of working with RJMA over the years have enabled our clinicians to continue to offer much-needed programs and health services to the families and individuals in our communities. CentraState is fortunate to have RJMA as a part of our ‘family’. RJMA is a highly professional, skilled, and effective grants management group and it has been a pleasure to work with them.
Our school district has been very pleased with the services provided by RJMA. We were looking for some assistance in monitoring, preparing, and successfully acquiring grants. Our look is now over. RJMA has greatly surpassed our expectations. Our success rate achieving various grants has never been higher.
RJMA has been essential to the district’s ability to increase its outside grant revenue by hundreds of thousands of dollars annually over the past several years. Their expertise in grant writing and their knowledge of the little things that give grant applicants an edge in the process are what we needed to take us to the next level in our grant applications. We highly recommend them to any school district looking to increase its grant funding possibilities.
Over the past ten years, the grant services provided through RJMA have allowed my programs to offer more expansive services to our students. The RJMA grant writing manager working with my school administration and instructional staff formed a very complete and efficient team. As such, they were successful in acquiring a number of both large and small grants for our schools. RJMA is a highly professional, skilled and effective grants management group and it has been a pleasure to work with them.
The pioneering rural schools work RJMA did while partnering with ECO2000, a consortium of 7, later 12, school districts in extreme Northern Maine, demonstrates the effectiveness of having a knowledgeable grants firm provide vital services to rural schools. Without RJMA’s services, our schools would not have been able to provide additional services to our students and staff. Given the ability to access RJMA’s vast grant database, our consortium was able to tailor our grant applications to our specific needs, thus providing a greater chance for funding. Having a success rate far above average, grant funding greatly exceeded fees paid to RJMA for their services.
The Waterford School District has worked with Robert J. Miller & Associates’ experienced staff for several years. Our district has received over $11 million in grant funding due to their ability to effectively convey our District’s mission and objectives through the grant writing process. We are pleased to have Robert J. Miller & Associates on our team!
The Tonawanda City School District has used Robert J. Miller & Associates grant writing service for 18 months. To date our district has received close to $400,000 in grant allocations. The one grant received will help student achievement to increase with our special education population. The grant writer is excellent with communicating with my staff as she seeks input while developing the grant proposal. I highly recommend Robert J. Miller & Associates for your grant writing needs.
Robert J. Miller & Associates, Inc. has been an incredible partner in the pursuit of grants and awards to provide additional resources for our students. They have become a valued member of our team as we make efforts to provide enhanced opportunities for our students to be successful.
Robert J. Miller & Associates has been invaluable to our organization’s fundraising efforts, and in the process has become an integral partner for our strategic planning. Their ability to comprehend and understand our large, complex health care organization and to match our needs with funding opportunities has been outstanding.
I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for the fine work your firm has performed on behalf of our school district. We find working with Robert J. Miller & Associates to be enjoyable as well as professionally rewarding. What makes Robert J. Miller & Associates, Inc. stand out is their accessibility, willingness to listen, and the ability to understand our exact requirements to secure grants from agencies that complement our vision.
Robert J. Miller & Associates, Inc. has provided excellent grant writing services to assist our organization in furthering its mission. The RJMA grant writing team uses critical research skills in order to find grants that match our funding needs, and then provides a strategic and thoughtful approach to the narrative. The final result is a polished professional grant package ready for submission. On all levels, Robert J. Miller & Associates, Inc. has exceeded our expectations.