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No, for several reasons. First, if RJMA were to work on a “percentage of the grant” basis and followed the example of the legal profession, it would have to charge upwards of 30% to 40% of the total grant award. For a large grant, say $250,000, RJMA’s fee would be $80,000 or more. Clearly, no grantmaker would approve such a large expenditure from its awarded grant to pay RJMA.

Second, if this were the only way upon which RJMA is paid, it would limit its funding search to only those sources with the highest probability of being approved. This would leave out many less promising, but equally beneficial, grant opportunities. Lastly, RJMA subscribes to its industry-standard ethics statement that specifically prohibits “percentage-based” fee payments.

RJMA’s comprehensive grants development services are provided on a flat fee retainer arranged on a three-month quarterly basis paid at the beginning of each quarter of service. Quarterly fees range depending upon the size and complexity of the client served.

This annual fee range is less than one-half of what an organization would have to pay a full-time salaried grant writer (including benefits), yet RJMA’s total productivity and grant-seeking success would likely be many more times what a full-time salaried grant writer could achieve. RJMA secures 10-20x fees paid on an annual basis for their clients.

For all other services, fees are calculated based on a flat fee or an hourly rate.

While RJMA cannot guarantee grant seeking success simply because of the large number of variables outside our control. We can give assurances, however, based upon our initial assessment of an organization’s overall competitive grant seeking and fundraising strengths and weaknesses.

It is important to note that no professional grants development or fundraising firm could remain in business over 45 years if it did not routinely produce far more in approved grants and charitable gifts than it charged in fees.

When looking for a grant consultant it is crucial that they provide grants secured, testimonials, and a list of references.

No, RJMA will submit as many grant proposals as the client would like. The more projects and programs the client can provide, the higher chance of success.

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