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Monthly Education Grants Alert (MEGA)

This searchable, monthly e-publication is the single largest source of upcoming grant opportunities for public, private, charter, and religiously-affiliated PreK-12 schools available nationwide.

Here is what each monthly issue contains:

  • Over 300 upcoming requests for proposals (RFPs) and foundations targeting PreK-12 schools with “open” deadlines.
  • Active web links from each listed grant to the grant maker’s home page from which applications and instructions can be instantly obtained.
  • No local geographical restrictions.
  • RFPs listed in deadline order (soonest listed first)
  • Updated every month with many new grant opportunities.
  • Searchable

Here is the best part:

  • You are encouraged to forward each issue throughout your entire school or district to make everybody on your team aware of upcoming grant opportunities. This builds enthusiasm and active staff and faculty involvement in your grant seeking efforts.
  • With more and more schools and school districts depending upon discretionary and competitive grants to support core operations, the Monthly Education Grants Alert becomes an essential tool in knowing where and when to apply for grants. Not only does it provide you with this information, but it also does so in a timely manner so that you have ample opportunity to prepare a competitive application.

Cost & Delivery:

The MEGA is available on an annual subscription basis for $395 for 12 monthly issues delivered to you by email on the 28th of each month. Once payment is received, the subscription will start.

Payment Options:

  • To pay via credit card or paypal, go to the send payment tab at the top of this page or the top of the website.
  • To receive an invoice to pay via check go to the “Order Monthly Education Grants Alert Subscription” page under the Monthly Education Grants Alert tab, or email [email protected].

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