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Customized Funding Searches

Robert J. Miller & Associates, Inc. maintains one of the largest databases of grantmakers in the United States. With over 80,000 private and corporate foundations on file, we know WHO gives WHAT, WHERE, and for WHICH kinds of projects.

Tell us who you are, where you are located, and the projects for which you are seeking grant funding. We will compare your information with the giving interests of every one of the nation’s over 80,000 private and corporate foundations.

From this, we will prepare and email you a spreadsheet with active links of those foundations that will likely support your organization. RJMA will also let you know who they have given to in the past. Grant makers are the only organization that can openly discriminate. They decide who, where, and what they want to fund. That being said, just because they say one thing does not mean they are required to. Researching past awardees is just as important as giving guidelines.

Call: 716-694-8181 to discuss your search criteria or email to [email protected].

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